About every fourth individual at least temporarily suffers from oral malodor. The most frequent cause of it is the oral cavity, in particular the tongue coat. In professional halitosis clinics, findings and diagnoses are discussed with the patients, and individual therapy concepts are designed. Currently there are only few evaluations of such clinics, which moreover are confined to a period of a few weeks or months. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the halitosis clinic of the University Center of Dental Medicine Basel over a period of eleven years. For the purpose of a recall, 638 patients were contacted, who had visited the halitosis clinic between February 2003 and February 2014. Of these, 280 patients answered a special questionnaire. The halitosis clinic was rated as helpful by 81.9% of the respondents. The majority (61.8%) only rarely or never had bad breath anymore and still carried out the recommended tongue cleaning. Ninety-one patients who reported to suffer again from oral malodor, could be re-evaluated also clinically. The strictly cause-oriented therapy concept of the halitosis clinic of the University Center of Dental Medicine Basel has proved successful over eleven years.

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