Extraoral anatomy in CBCT – a literature review. Part 3: Retromaxillary region

In this review about extraoral anatomy as depicted by cone beam computed tomography, the retromaxillary region is discussed.

In this review about extraoral anatomy as depicted by cone beam computed tomography, the retromaxillary region is discussed. A medium-sized (6 x 6 cm) or large (>= 8 x 8 cm) field of view of the maxilla will inevitably depict the retromaxillary region that can be considered a «transition» zone between the viscerocranium and the neurocranium. Major structures of the region include the sphenoid bone and the pterygopalatine fossae. The sphenoid bone is a single but complex bone located between the maxilla and the brain. It is composed of a central body, bilateral greater and lesser wings, and pterygoid processes. Important neurovascular structures pass through the sphenoid bone: the optic nerve and the ophthalmic artery via the optic canal, the maxillary nerve via the foramen rotundum, and the pterygoid nerve via the Vidian canal. The central body of the sphenoid bone also contains the highly variable sphenoid sinus that is the most posteriorly located paranasal sinus. The bilateral pterygopalatine fossae behind the maxillary sinuses contain several important neurovascular structures that supply the maxilla and the midface.

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Part 1: Nasoethmoidal region

Part 2: Zygomatico-orbital region

Part 4: Pharyngocervical region


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