The objective of this paper was the analysis of the 1-year outcome of teeth treated with apical surgery and a recently introduced bioceramic root repair material (BCRRM) for root-end filling. Patients were consecutively enrolled from 2015 to 2017. Apical surgery included the modern technique, i.e. the use of a surgical microscope, ultrasonic preparation of a root-end cavity, and retrofilling with BCRRM. The cohort comprised 150 patients with 174 treated teeth. Patients were recalled one year after surgery for a clinical and radiographic re-examination. Three experienced observers evaluated the periapical radiographs with regard to periapical healing utilizing the healing criteria established by Rud et al. (1972) and Molven et al. (1987). Based on the clinical findings and the radiographic assessment, healing was judged as successful, uncertain, or failed. Study parameters included gender, age, type of treated tooth, and type of BCRRM (regular vs. fast set putty). At the 1-year follow-up, 170 teeth could be reexamined (drop-out rate 2.3%). Healing outcome was categorized as successful in 94.1%, uncertain in 4.1%, and failed in 1.8%. No significant differences were observed when comparing the success rates among the different subcategories of study parameters. The lowest success rate was noted in mandibular premolars (86.7%) but without reaching statistical significance. In conclusion, BCRRM appears to be a biocompatible root-end filling material showing excellent 1-year results. The success rate was similar to recently reported success rates for BCRRM in apical surgery.

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